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How to Submit to Me

You can find my QueryManager form here.

I ask you submit a query letter and a 10 page sample of your work. I am reading consistently right now, but please give me a grace period of 8 weeks for queries and 14 weeks for full submissions.

If you do not hear from me by these times, please know that this isn't a pass! BookEnds agents respond to every query. Sometimes my inbox gets flooded and my client workload takes priority. Feel free to send along a nudge on QueryManager. But please know that I'm working hard to get back to everyone.

A general rule of thumb, if you think we would be a good match, just query me! Shoot your shot. Please don't reach out to me via email or on Twitter and ask if I would like your book or not before querying.

I do not take queries or submissions via email unless I explicitly ask.

Contacting me

If you would like to get into contact with Emily for events, interviews, collaborations, or blurb requests, you can reach out to her assistant, Layla: lcyphert (@) bookendsliterary (.com)

Industry professionals interested in working with Emily or her clients can contact her directly: eforney (@) bookendsliterary (.com)

Please note that neither Emily nor Layla accept queries via email unless referred by her current authors or by request. 

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